Granby Junction 1948 N. Wales


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[user=2172]Claus Ellef[/user] wrote:
Who wouldn't like to do the shunting in Cynwyd? Great photo!

Thanks Claus glad you like it. One of the reasons I like it so much is the Dean was originally such a dog of a loco - I actually sent the first loco back and the replacement wasnt much better. Now its one of my most reliable automated routines.

Best wishes

Granby III
Lenz DCC,RR&Co Gold V10 A4 Windows 10
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Nope, no excuse. He should have used it.  :)

Cheers Pete.
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[user=1512]Headmaster[/user] wrote:
Well John, you have surpassed yourself this time.  A very amusing post - I particularly like the "precision cutting" and "two wires" comments - but also one which glosses over the true technical and physical feat you have accomplished.  Storage for some 20 coaches is not an insignificant addition to any layout, but finding the wherewithal to add it to the marvellous Granby is really something.
Not only that, but making it into print too - well overdue and much deserved if I may say so, and if that is one of the "rejected" photographs then readers will be in for a treat.

Warm regards


Thank you so much Michael, I am glad you appreciated my attempts at humour. I think I may have mentioned previously I am not always certain that I have amused my intended audience.

The extra space will be a huge bonus. Currently operating is like a giant board game shuffling trains around to ensure that there is a vacant destination block. Secondly, loco exchanges in the storage sidings involve too much shunting on the main line. I havent worked out all the details yet but I believe I will have a lot more options once this is completed.

Best wishes

Granby III
Lenz DCC,RR&Co Gold V10 A4 Windows 10
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[user=1814]Longchap[/user] wrote:
 No apology needed John and congratulations for doing the seemingly impossible by finding more storage at Granby! The directors in Paddington will be well pleased.

That’s quite an achievement cutting out pockets for point motors, while balancing on a chair 4 feet away, so I presume, despite your youthful demeanour, that all the limboing with the duck under has paid dividends in the snake-hips department.
As Michael said, your modesty quickly pastes over the difficulties of your achievement, even more so, as we all know that these retro-fits pose much more substantial challenge than the original build. The results however are sure to bring you greater joy and doubtless keep you busy for some considerable time creating, adapting and enjoying new and existing routines.
The weathered brake 3rd is superb, particularly with your personalisation and I’ve noticed that Hattons continue to retail a selection of these Collet bow ended stock at a modest £33. I’m sure I have sufficient and am trying very hard not to buy any more stock, except for existing pre-orders.
Your Dean Goods is simply timeless.
Very best,
Hi Bill

Hope you are feeling well and all the tests are done.

Thank you for the kind remarks. Hindsight is such a wonderful thing - if I were starting again there are so many things I would do differently.  :roll:  Obviously more storage but I wish I had paid more attention to accessibility both hand shunting (sidings to close) and light engines (not enough xovers and spurs). The patch on solution will improve matters but it is still a bit clunky.

I loved the flattering comments about "limbo" and "snake hips"  :lol: . My lack of agility resulted in the branch road road bridge and Engine shed area suffered quite a bit of collateral damage from the leaning process :sad: Lots of rebuilding needed I am afraid.

The Hornby Suburbans are lovely coaches. I bought the initial rake at launch price but last year Hattons had a big clearance at almost half price so I bought a second rake :) . So my averaged coach price is now pretty close to the price you quoted. Looking at todays prices for basic wagons I think that good value for a detailed coach

Thanks again for the nice comments

Best wishes

Granby III
Lenz DCC,RR&Co Gold V10 A4 Windows 10
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Many (belated) congratulations for making it into BRM.  I am sure that your pictures will be more than sufficient to show the layout off.


Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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[user=2006]Barry Miltenburg[/user] wrote:

Many (belated) congratulations for making it into BRM.  I am sure that your pictures will be more than sufficient to show the layout off.


Thank you Barry - that is very kind of you. If you should happen to read the article I will be interested to hear your comments

Best wishes


Granby III
Lenz DCC,RR&Co Gold V10 A4 Windows 10
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I too am looking forward to "reading all about it" John and offer my belated congratulations on being published.  I can hardly think of a more deserving layout to be displayed to the world. 

I read BRM plus several others via "Readly" which seems an excellent subscription site for many magazines online.

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Good news about BRM John, you deserve an article and long overdue! Do you know when it’s being released?

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[user=6]Petermac[/user] wrote:
I too am looking forward to "reading all about it" John and offer my belated congratulations on being published.  I can hardly think of a more deserving layout to be displayed to the world. 

I read BRM plus several others via "Readly" which seems an excellent subscription site for many magazines online.
Phil.c wrote:
Good news about BRM John, you deserve an article and long overdue! Do you know when it’s being released?

Thanks Peter and Phil.c

 I believe it is out today  - somewhat earlier than I expected :shock:. I guess my copy is in the mail - it may take a while.

I hope you both enjoy it :thumbs

Granby III
Lenz DCC,RR&Co Gold V10 A4 Windows 10
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So, are you able to leave the house without being mobbed for your autograph, since Granby appeared in print?  I hope you have the pages framed and hanging on the railway room wall!  a lovely write up and well chosen photographs…. congratulations! :cheers

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[user=1512]Headmaster[/user] wrote:
So, are you able to leave the house without being mobbed for your autograph, since Granby appeared in print?  I hope you have the pages framed and hanging on the railway room wall!  a lovely write up and well chosen photographs…. congratulations! :cheers

Thank you Michael. I am glad you enjoyed the article. Not too much mobbing going on. Surprisingly the population of  Vancouver has never shown any great interest in the GWR. They rarely, if ever, get excited by the mention of a pannier- so they remain blissfully ignorant of the arrival of this literary gem! :lol:. As do I!  :roll:  I am still awaiting delivery of a hard copy courtesy Royal Mail and Canada Post. But yes, the plan is eventually to have the pages framed and hung in the railway room, always assuming I can find space amongst all the Lowry prints.

Thanks again for the nice post

Granby III
Lenz DCC,RR&Co Gold V10 A4 Windows 10
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I'm still waiting for Readly to post it online.  Maybe, because Readly iqs a multi-publication site, they have to wait until all the monied people have bought it…. :hmm

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Congratulations on being published peter. It'll be about 3 months before I can get a look at it. Which issue number/date is the mag' ?

Cheers Pete.
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The last two turnouts arrived from Liverpool - super fast service - and are now installed along with 4 additional sidings.

Sadly there was insufficient clearance to get the additional 4 car siding that I had hoped for. However the resulting siding is a generous 3 car and will easily accommodate a horse box train which will now be able  to make a twice weekly appearance.

The short radius siding above it may take my recent investment in a CMX cleaning car and its loco. Not sure which loco will have the power and weight to push (?) it. I believe most people use diesels which I dont have. It should be interesting finding which surplus loco will perform best.

Finally two short stub sidings for relief locos - job done  -  almost:

The package from Liverpool also had a roll of ID backscene. I fear it is going to be challenging retrofitting this to the installed boards. Fortunately Mrs D is ace at wall paper hanging.

The shot also shows the stripped down branch line which will have to be repaired and replaced.

I have added a few shots of the branch in better days.

They were taken for the BRM article to illustrate one of the signature routines om Granby. The daily collection of  milk from the branch dairy for transhipment to Granby and thence on the  main line to Rock Ferry (Birkenhead)

The B Set having arrived from Granby is stabled in the bay while the loco - a pannier (naturally) - collects two full tankers from the dairy

The tankers are uncoupled on the relief loop while the loco rejoins its train - draws forward from the bay, backs on to the loop and couples with the tankers

I am not quite certain whether this manoeuver would have been permitted with passengers already in the carriages (ie loaded from the bay) or if I have to draw the completed train back on to the running line platform for loading. Something I need to resolve before I finally produce the video!

You will not see these shots in the article because we used a photo of the tankers being transferred at Granby to illustrate my account of the routine - hope you like them - certainly more interesting than the building site shots that I started with.

 Regards from Vancouver

Granby III
Lenz DCC,RR&Co Gold V10 A4 Windows 10
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[user=1120]peterm[/user] wrote:
Congratulations on being published peter. It'll be about 3 months before I can get a look at it. Which issue number/date is the mag' ?
Thanks Pete.  Its the May issue and it was published April 14. Hope you eventually get a copy

Best wishes

Granby III
Lenz DCC,RR&Co Gold V10 A4 Windows 10
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I'll keep an eye out for it. Those shots are really good. I don't know how heavy your panniers are, but double headed they might push the CMX round.

Cheers Pete.
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[user=1120]peterm[/user] wrote:
Congratulations on being published peter. It'll be about 3 months before I can get a look at it. Which issue number/date is the mag' ?

I've been called all sorts during my lifetime Peter, but never "published".  I think the skilled (and published) modeller you're referring to is called "John" but I won't tell if you don't……..  :mutley

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Is that a faux pas  ;-)

Cheers Pete.
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Now you're just teasing me John - I'm still waiting for the latest BRM to be available on Readly.  Until now, I hadn't realised they became "live" such a long time after publication.

Regarding the CMX, I used a US outline all wheel drive diesel (bought specifically for the job) to haul mine on Maxmill MkI but find that a fairly modest Class 25 copes with it here.  Not too sure about steam locos - it is a heavy beastie.

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[user=1120]peterm[/user] wrote:
Is that a faux pas  ;-)

 :mutley :mutley :mutley

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