A Final Curtain Call for Westown-Heathfield


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GWR OO Gauge - 1930's rural Somerset - Winter 1937

David Beckham fractured his metatarsal and he seems to be doing ok now……   Not bad company!

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[user=1512]Headmaster[/user] wrote:
David Beckham fractured his metatarsal and he seems to be doing ok now……   Not bad company!

Fair enough, but I'm looking for a good offer from PSG; I draw the line at playing with the LA Galaxy. Oh!  and a penthouse overlooking Bvd SG! I know just the spot near Maubert - Mutualité, lovely boulangerie and top fromagerie on my doorstep. Look what you've done, set me off dreaming!  

Back to earth, I'm remaining cautiously optimistic as there's been no swelling or pain in that area of the foot for two weeks now. Ankle gets a bit tender from the rehab exercises I'm doing or perhaps because the Moon Boot has to be tight there to keep everything immobile. 25 days until the follow up x-Ray.
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I know what a metatarsel is but who's David Beckham ?

p.s. -  :mutley :mutley  (just in case ……………………..)

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[user=2170]Colin W[/user] wrote
Back to earth, I'm remaining cautiously optimistic as there's been no swelling or pain in that area of the foot for two weeks now. Ankle gets a bit tender from the rehab exercises I'm doing or perhaps because the Moon Boot has to be tight there to keep everything immobile. 25 days until the follow up x-Ray.
That sounds very good Colin, you must be behaving! Keep up the good work.



Last edit: by spurno

At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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Hope you are up and back on the layout again soon! I'm looking forward to following more of your dry stone walls. I created some last year but in a very different way. Your way looks very neat!
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A General Update

Six weeks have come and gone, a 2nd x-ray and a bone density scan (BDS) later then two weeks out of my moon-boot there is news, of a sort.

I'm left with what it appears is a very common situation, the fracture of the 5th metatarsal will never heal. Something to do with poor blood supply to that particular bone means it is often the case even in young fit folk. Good news is the break remains with parts correctly aligned so I have no pain. GP tells me this bone has very minor role so get on with life. Meanwhile my BDS results are above normal for my age so that was not the issue.

Aside from weak muscles in the leg/foot in question I'm on the mend, just in time to enjoy our return to post-COVID near normality in Metro Victoria.

The only material casualty has been Weston-Heathfield as I couldn't get downstairs to the layout. Amazingly after 6 weeks + a quick whiz around of the track cleaner and my first run went very well. Must now get back into action. Much more has been done on the WC&PR, a fair bit not yet written up / posted.



Last edit: by Colin W

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Glad to hear you are on the mend and managed to get back to the layout! 
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Hi Colin,

Good to hear that you are more mobile and it must feel great to be able to finally get back to modelling again, even though you'll be developing be strategies to live comfortably with your poorly foot.

Welcome back and have fun  :)



Last edit: by Longchap

At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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[user=2170]Colin W[/user] wrote:
[user=1512]Headmaster[/user] wrote:
David Beckham fractured his metatarsal and he seems to be doing ok now……   Not bad company!

Back to earth, I'm remaining cautiously optimistic as there's been no swelling or pain in that area of the foot for two weeks now. Ankle gets a bit tender from the rehab exercises I'm doing or perhaps because the Moon Boot has to be tight there to keep everything immobile. 25 days until the follow up x-Ray.

I must have missed the health update with all the chat about Beckham.ops::roll:  

So glad you are continuing to improve. It must be incredibly frustrating and I guess the next 25 days will seem to go on forever.

I guess you will be up and about just in time for summer?

Best wishes

Last edit: by spurno

Granby III
Lenz DCC,RR&Co Gold V10 A4 Windows 10
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Hi John,

the one you cited was an earlier update; this was the latest from last Thursday with much better news all around.



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Oh dear ! I am not keeping up very well at the back am I?
However it is indeed good positive news……I look forward to reading your news about Weston

Best wishes

Granby III
Lenz DCC,RR&Co Gold V10 A4 Windows 10
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Christmas Update - and Santa came early

There's been very little to report since I "regained" my legs with most of my time spent playing catch-up in our garden + next door which have received nearly twice last year's rainfall total and grown accordingly. Massive crops of berries, currants and cherries and soon to be ready Nashi pears all demand their share of attention so W-H has lapsed into a lowly spot of my priorities.

I almost missed the Christmas cutoff for UK mailings but a cheerful postie today brought me some early Santa presents (to self) and I thought I'd put them up here to give me one less excuse to delay the many modelling threads I have underway.

In no particular order:
  • loco detailing: lamps, vacuum and heating pipes
  • WC&PR Coach detailing: buffer stops, vac and heating, roof vents, door handles etc.
  • Comet chassis for the K's GWR 4800 Class Kit body (suitable motor and Gear box already secured)
  • NER Covered Goods Wagon Kit for WCPR. This was the only covered wagon acquired by the railway so I figured it should be included in my line up.
Happy Christmas to everyone here, may your 2021 bring better prospects than the year past.



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A couple of shots of Westown as King James I pulls away with the London bound express. A local goods and the Heathfield Autotrain wait patiently. First from an unusual angle looking down into the station.

Happy Christmas everyone

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Hi Colin.   Seasons Greetings Ho Ho Ho. I had purchased a brake van kit in brass etched to run with one of my Ex. GWR 0-6-0 panniers as used on the Metropolitan Line. I still have the kit, untouched awaiting my attention, good luck with all your future plans. Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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A special little Corner of Heathfield in Focus

The story of the Heathfield Playground featured some time ago but with some Birthday Parties lined up early in the New Year it seemed appropriate to make a return visit with a detailed look around.

Here we see a good turn out of the local children on a sunny if chilly day, never too cold for ice creams it seems while one daredevil calls out "look at me Dad!".

Dad appears less than impressed.

Finally this is a shot of the playground taken from an unusual angle viz. the Heathfield GWR Station approach road. A GWR Private Way leads down to track-side.

Heathfield Village (Station end) and Church together with Frog Lane Farm take up a modest 1.4m (by 1.2m width) of the W-H layout with the section of the Quantocks overlooking the Station a further 0.3m. While work proceeds slowly on current W-H projects I'm planning to capture the various corners of this little world as they stand at present.
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Two of the youngsters share the same birthday so that's an excuse for a big party in the village and even if its January, the wintry sun is kind to them today. The birthday boy and girl have requested a train ride and the 3:30 Auto-train pulled by 6424 is on time coming into Heathfield. They'd better hurry up or they'll miss out.

Last edit: by Colin W

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Colin that play area is amazing. I’m not sure why I missed it in the last post but it looks brilliant. 
I love the idea for a birthday party. Part of the rubbish January club! 
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How did you make the bunting?
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Not only was the playground granddaughter C's request and design (3 years ago when turning six) but the party and specifications were hers as well, down to the detailing, the banner, bunting, balloons and ice cream stand etc.

She made the bunting flags, little diamonds of coloured paper folded in two and then glued onto 0.3mm blackened copper wire. Last bit I had to do.

Last edit: by Colin W

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"Amelie" comes to Heathfield

Those of you who remember the famous Audrey Tautou film where she sends her father's garden gnome around the world so postcards can be sent home to him may relate to this Heathfield story.

Firstly the sharp eyed might have seen someone in the churchyard by the wall next to the playground in the Party photo. C placed the old woman there yesterday, noting it was a place she might well be visiting but still near the children playing alongside.

Every time the girls visit I have an "Amelie" moment, some characters go missing from view and pop up somewhere unexpected. Last time I took ages before finding "OO" C and her dad inside the empty greenhouse. I was told they were planting for the new season. Another time on top of the Church Tower, just C and her younger sibling or again watching swans down by the Heathfield River. 

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