Going large - building large layouts


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Anything but PSE unfortunately, even from the mill. I always check, but for baseboard frames it is not that crucial, +/- 1/64" -1/32" (~0.4-0.8mm) can usually be accommodated. Helps if the proper tools are available (planer, table saw and radial saw set at 90°). What is important is that the top is square, especially so with modular or semi-modular setups.


©Nigel C. Phillips
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With the final demise of Yarslow in the shed I am able to report that we have a buyer for the London home and so the move to LillyPool looks set for a pre-Christmas schedule.

The end of the need to sit tidily and be forever ready for estate agent (Realtor) viewings means that I have some time to tie up a few odd ends.  I started to pack up the embyonic Long Dyke baseboard and promptly dropped it so I have scrapped the board completely and lifted the track.

The above mentioned plan is version (about) 28 and shows that I have revised the junction at Yarslow and am now using 2 single slipswitches.  I had originally dismissed this as an idea because it did not enable a train on the main line to run up the branch - BUT - I had forgotten that this arrangement would allow a train in the loop platform
to cross onto the branch instead.  A much better idea and a better arrangement for the lay-bye as well.

I have taken the opportunity to revise the branch line stations now that Long Dyke is somewhat dented ( :sad:) and the keen eyed amongst you will notice a subtle change at Trinity Square where the loco yard crossover has been moved back beyond the signal gantry an therefore (more prototypically) within the "station limits".  I have also played around with the siding arrangements at Roe Halt (for Roe Boxes factory), providing a siding facing in the opposite direction to the factory sidings.  This will increase operational interest at this halt but if the new arrangement looks too busy when laid out, I will revert to the older plan.

The final change is the noted "25ft x 16ft" rather than 24ft of the old plan.  This is a bit meglomaniac on my part but simply reflects the size of the building rather than the space occupied by the layout.  We are due to travel north again soon to look at some more potential houses although if the current wet weather continues in the UK we will be taking a boat rather than the car!!  Some of the targets have space for the new Empire so we are travelling with hope.

One final story - the estimator from a national removal company (formerly owned by British Railways) came yesterday to give me a quote to move.  Whan we got to the shed I showed him the empty space pointing out that I had dismantled the layout but had some timber and other boxes of stuff to include in the move.  "OK", he said" its probably best that you dismantled your layout because they are difficult to move".  Top marks for using the term "layout", not "train set" - he's half way to getting the job!!


Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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[user=2006]Barry Miltenburg[/user] wrote:
One final story - the estimator from a national removal company (formerly owned by British Railways) came yesterday to give me a quote to move.  Whan we got to the shed I showed him the empty space pointing out that I had dismantled the layout but had some timber and other boxes of stuff to include in the move.  "OK", he said" its probably best that you dismantled your layout because they are difficult to move".  Top marks for using the term "layout", not "train set" - he's half way to getting the job!!

Perhaps there is something to thank Channel 5 for  :lol:


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Hi Barry.  I thought that I had read something about a move to the West Country, Lorna Doone and all that romantic stuff. Will they send a “ Horse and Cart “ with a Container on the back ? Bearing in mind the channel 5 comments or is that enough romantic dreams around Railways. Best wishes with the move. Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Hi Kevin

The move is actually to BeatleLand near the Mersey.  Wrong side of the Pennines for my models but as I used to model those lovely red ones that struggled over The Long Drag, I will sleep at night with a clear conscience!!

For those interested, YouTube can be used to track down a film called "LMS Freight 1940" - or similar.

One of the many aspects of railway travel featured in it is a family moving house using a container that is collected on a mechanical horse and transported by rail to their new town.  The loading of the container by crane onto the wagon would make anyone interested in Health & Safety cry into their rulebook.  Worth a look if you can find it.


Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Hi Barry.  Thank you. That title sounds familiar? But I cannot find it now. An old driver I know did hook me up with a series of British Transport films were were from way back, I will keep looking. Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Those old British Transport films are wonderful Barry.  I'm sad to say, some of them take me back to my childhood ……………………

Yes, H & S in those days was more likely to stand for "Hovis and Spread" than tin hats ………………….replacement labour was both plentiful and cheap !!

I think I've seen that film about the house move but they are always worth another watch.   :thumbs

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Hi all

I have made a few comments on other threads about our impending house move so rather than hijack those, I thought it might be of interest to bring the story up to date on my own page.

Whilst it is still in the lap of the Gods somewhat, our move date looks to be the 25th of November.  I was born in the town I currently live in (although have lived elsewhere lots) so was always a little bit sad to be saying goodbye.  However, the 25th is my late Mum's birthday so I feel its her little way of being with us as we head North.

This week we should complete the puchase of a flat in Lillypool Land to give us a bolt-hole when we move,  We have already started looking for a suitable railway shed with a nice house attached  :lol: and here I must mention the outstanding contribution made by Mrs M for making it quite clear to the purveyors of houses in the area that the railway room is a "must-have" on our shopping list.  You can imagine that there are quite a few estate agents (Realtors) looking to separate me from my bag of Shekels and she has made it quite clear that no railway room = no deal!!

The front runner at present in the house race offers a nice garden capable of taking a wooden building some 28ft x 18ft whilst still leaving sufficient room for the veg and the chickens AND still space for the BBQ/patio/flowers.  Funnily enough, the house is quite ordinary but we are willing/able to move the odd wall to get what we want.

This weekend has come to an end with yet another room here stuffed full of cardboard boxes, fewer bits of furniture/decoration on display and more basic living.  Its a bit like when I first got married and used a packing crate as a bedside table until I could afford a proper one!!

Pickfords (who used to be part of the British Transport Commission) are bracing themselves for the big ordeal although there is a mountain of boxes containing various bits of salvaged layout, rolling stock and buildings which I will take up in the car.  Mrs M is being trusted with the cat and the guitar collection in her car.  Three guesses where my priorities lay  :lol: :lol:

There will be no layout options in the flat but hopefully, that phase will only last a few months and then we can get our teeth into a new house and I can start thinking about the new layout.  Mrs M has again come up trumps by declaring that my bad back entitles me to some help from a local carpenter when it comes to lining/insulating the shed and building the baseboards.  Is she wonderful or what?  In exchange I have offered a team of landscapers to bash whatever garden we get into shape - oh and to lay a suitable concrete base for the aforementioned shed of course!!

More news as it comes through


Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Hi Barry
Moving house is always a nightmare.  Not  just the practicalities, but the wrench of leaving a home.  Sounds like you have a diamond in Mrs M though!  Hopefully all will go quickly and smoothly and you can share the birth of the new railway….


Last edit: by Headmaster

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[user=1512]Headmaster[/user] wrote:
Hi Barry
…….. Hopefully all will go quickly and smoothly and you can share the birth of the new railway….


Thanks Michael.  The process has been made more nightmarish by the the less-than-helpful support the vendors solicitor have given her client.  [Those who know of my lack of tact will be proud of that statement!!!]

I still continue to tweak the trackplan and think I have reached the "v.30" mark - the lastest change is to the alignment of the storage siding tracks to gain a bit more length and to do away with the few dead-end sidings on the outside of the up line loops (up goes clockwise for those referring to the old plan).  In the absence of anything constructive to get on with, I find tinkering in this way quite therapeutic.  Its surprising what little improvements I have made without lifting a scalpel blade or paint brush.

Big day today as we signed (what seemed like) hundreds of bits of paper to sell our house and buy a flat (and its Freehold).  It also gave me the opportunity to see the first bill for all thats been done by the Solicitor and the Inland Revenue who have taken 3% in Stamp Duty.  That little lot adds up to a huge pile of pointwork, wagons, Woodland Scenics ballast……………………………….. :sad: :sad: :sad:

Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Hi allJust a quick note to confirm we are now in Liverland and will start the search proper for a suitable railway room with attached house:lol::lol:  

Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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That's great news Barry - hope the move went according to plan.

Do you have some kind of target time for finding your railway room with house attached ?

I understand there are Scouse courses at some local foreign language schools - have you enrolled ?  Just don't get involved in which colour you support - red or blue - it will always end in tears ……………

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Come on you Toffees !!!



Last edit: by Longchap

At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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Thanks for your kind thoughts guys.

Depending on your point of view, I am either very diplomatic or a bit of a wall-sitter.  I was a Liverpool supporter as a boy but as a fan of the women's game, will support Everton as they play some of their games at Southport FC - our nearest team.

Peter - The search for the house/railway room starts immediately but given that there is bound to be work to be done in the new house, I have written off 9-12 months before I can really get into the new layout.  That is not a problem because I have joined the local MRC (5 minutes walk from where we are living now) and will continue to stay in touch with YMRC and my You Tube subscriptions.  It also gives me a chance to start collecting track, scenery bits and anything else that I spot going cheap!!

I did have half an idea to built a tiny shunting plank whilst I am in the flat but to be honest, I don't intend to be here too long and wanted to concentrate my efforts on house-hunting!


Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Hi all

Its Friday 13th and we have today bought a house - good idea? - I'll let you know.

The house is a double-fronted Victorian pile that has been emptied so it's a blank canvas to make our own.  Just what we wanted when we started out as it happens.

The garden has an alcove which is 26ft x 16ft and the postcode (zipcode) is my wife's initials - it's a sign we felt  :lol:.

There now follows about 9 months hard graft whilst we go through the legal paperwork, get a wall moved to create another bathroom, re-wire the house thoughout, flatten an outside WC, replace it with a small extension, build a new kitchen, add some patio doors and tweak the plumbing.  Simple enough  :lol: :lol:.

Not being ones to sit on our laurels, Mrs M and I have today commissioned a builder and surveyor to produce quotes and timescales whilst I have sourced both the railway shed and the guy to build the base.  In the wings are a plumber and roofer who we lined up earlier in the week.  Financially it sounds a bit scary but we got the place cheap so have a big budget for building work.  As an aside, because the house was cheap, the Stamp Duty and other direct costs are also less than originally thought.  The £1500 saved on these fees will pay for the track I need in the shed!!

Luckily, the local Model Railway Society have a big test track and as I have the locomotive fleet with me (rolling stock only went to storage), I can run some stuff.  I also have my toolbox so can do a bit of maintenance, oiling etc as well.  A local Train Fair yielded another B1 with wheel issues - I got it for £40 and know that an hour's work will get it working perfectly again - it gives me something to do!!

Happy days


Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Hi Barry and congratulations for all those happy days ahead indeed !!!

The building work seems almost trivial and will simply become part of the great adventure for you and the bride, so all possible good furtune to you both.

After 7 years of work on our place, I am finally looking forward in getting to grips with the railway room next year, as I've very nearly almost finished the barn, but despite any possible delays in my home town, it sounds as if there's going to be continuous model railwaying occuring for you.

Enjoy the ride,


At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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It seems you have enough now on your plate to keep you busy for a few months….

I do hope the house wasn't cheap because of it almost falling down or it is next door to a car race track…

NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
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Actually the house is going to be next to a very large shed full of model railway  :mutley :mutley :mutley

Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Excellent news Barry….. sounds like you have found just what you wanted.  It is a wonderful feeling to make something special and unique to you…. it sounds like you are already on the way….. exciting!  
But enough about the railway shed, sounds like you have a bit to do on the home front too!


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That's great news Barry - don't forget to show us the pics - of both the little house and the huge railway empire ………………………….

Have you started your Scouse lessons yet or are you already fluent ?  :roll:

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