Going large - building large layouts


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Hi Barry.    I’m pleased to hear from you, and it is nice to, presumably, know that you haven’t been adversely affected by the.   “Taxi cab .incident “. Nothing wrong with your current project, but, have you ever built a Hump Yard ? I wish that I could display or whatever photos of the progress on my plank, but, I haven’t made any. All I seem to do is sit down with a cuppa, or fall asleep 💤 thinking about it awaiting for that knock at the door for my booster jab.Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Hi Kevin

We are not in central Liverpool so unaffected but its a nasty thing and best wishes go to all those affected by it.


Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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On best behaviour today (stand up straight that man at the back!) as the Superintendent is in town, visiting the new track layouts at Blowick Lane and Butterbump & Mumby.  The traverser is not fixed or connected yet.  Track feeds are linked to the Master Cab Control Panel so with controller "H" wired in, the branch can be run from its own control panel.  There is only one point switch at this end and 2 at Blowick Lane.  The controller is a walk-about and is connected to a central DIN plug fitting in the framework underneath the narrow baseboard by the bridge.  The lead is then long enough to be able to shunt both stations and to reach the traverser if needed.

This view also shows the platform that will grace B&M. 

On the left of the picture, almost opposite the train, is a short siding (holding a J39 0-6-0) which is the home for the Inspection saloon.  To run along the branch, the MCCP allocates sections "TSQ Storage", "Down1", "Down2", "Up2" (to cross the junction), "Branch loco" and "Branch" to controller H.  Yarslow panel reverses points 9, 5 and 3.  As the train progresses, sections can be cancelled and points reset to the normal position so that main line trains can run again. 

When the Storage Siding operator reverses the exit crossover from TSQ Storage to the Down line, the main Storage Panel (the one with the masses of tidy  :lol: wiring) shows a red LED as a warning that the Down line is not available for departures/main line running.

It has taken a long time to get all these bits wired in and there have been times when the old mojo has flagged but standing at Blowick Lane and running a train that takes nearly 3 minutes to arrive from storage is a huge reward!!  This week, my "To Do" list says;
  • finish soldering up a few joints that are still using croc clips (checking the polarity of controller "H")
  • install and wire the traverser
  • cut and fit the backscene dividing the branch and Trinity Square
Bashing on………….

Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Another view of the "Super" with his staff on board the saloon (Hornby clerestory conversion).  I only noticed after posting this picture that the J15 has lost its fireman!!

Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Hi Barry.  Very good. Keep up the good work.These abbreviations can be a right PITA when I read “B & M “ it reminds me of that cheap Jack shop that was recommended to me. That inspection coach is there a fridge bar fitted in there? Best wishes Kevin

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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There was a steward's pantry so, no doubt, he kept the wine cold in an electric fridge.

My model doesn't feature the pantry yet but now I can access my magazines, I will identify a drawing for an interior and add something in due course.

Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Hi Barry   Thank you for your reply.  Just as I thought. Best wishes Kevin

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Hi Barry.   Thank you for your reply. “Lost his fireman” you say? . I purchased a guard from Modelu and put him in a safe place? while I was thinking about the paint job. Now he has done a bunk.  Would you please tell me do I really need an Air brush to paint figures?   Best wishes Kevin

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Figures are best painted by brush.  Most mags and YouTube carry  plenty of tutorials - worth investigating.


Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Hi Barry. Thank you for your reply. I had intended to do a conversion job on GWR Clerestory coaches, to represent pull and push carriages on the Southern, but I was put off by comments made on YMRC. Have you got any useful ideas on conversion, would it be possible to make replacement roofs for them??? either cut and shut, my preferred option, but tricky, or begin again. With the correct gauge styrene. Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Hi Kevin

For a major conversion, a set of drawings is a very good start.  My conversion is somewhat speculation - I just cut out doors and windows to change the identity of the coach - Howlden coaches were clerestory on the NER (I think).

Plasticard in various thicknesses is a must for the toolbox - just experiment with the material for curves and sides.


Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Hi Barry.  Many years ago when. I found a shop somewhere ? that sold a cast white metal end of a 2BIL, and there  was a shop in Southend that sold a Blueprint of the 2BIL. My idea, I didn’t have a clue, but I plodded on. Anyway I purchased the styrene sheet and measured and, cut out the doors and windows on shaped a piece wood to suit the profile of the 2BIL carriage. Next a bowl of hot water secure the styrene to the wood, and place the wood and styrene Into the hot water. Alas I don’t know what happened to my first attempt. Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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So work started yesterday on Trinity Square.  The main line approach tracks were aligned and laid - the approach curves will be in Set-track as the curves are quite tight.  I will use radius 3 and 4 and the "converter" pieces that connect Code 75 to Code 100.  A pack gives you 4 bits and for a few pounds it is not worth bodging up the joint.

I am track-laying without fixing boards down again as it's easier to turn the board over for wiring afterwards.  The first picture shows the approach tracks on the right with the trailing crossover and (bottom left) the pointwork providing the facing crossover and access to platform 4/goods reception.  All points here are large radius.

The shed area uses medium and short radius.  The K1 stands in front of the shed on a road split to be able to hold 2 engines.  The B1 is on No.1 road which is not split whilst No.2 road is split.  The V1 visible in the top picture is at the coaling stage.  There are 2 tracks serving the stage allowing either 2 engines to coal together or for loco coal wagons access.

The building itself is a Bachmann Scenecraft product ("NER 2 Road Engine Shed") which is out of current production but I managed to find on eBay.  It comes with an office which will be sited behind the shed.  The backdrop here will be retaining walls hiding the raised baseboards of the branch.  Where all the tools are in the first picture will be an overbridge with shops - as urban as I can get!!

Wiring this board is the next job, then I will turn my attention to the second board which contains a few points and the platform roads.  The final (third) board is very small and only carries the platform ends so I am anticipating having the station working by the time the MRC boys come for a "mince pies and trains" morning in mid-December.

Bashing on….

Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Hi Barry.  Some time ago I purchased an engine engine shed before my plans fell apart? It is one of the old Airfix kits which I made years ago, in new packaging. But I’m not sure if it will get used, no panic either way. The word major isn’t in my vocabulary, substitute bodge for that word. Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Nice looking shed Barry, I guess you were looking for a stone one, me too (I built the Metcalf one) but I found it very difficult to find a stone signal box, Metcalf have one but the stairs are to the right (only) whereas I needed left (typical)!

Roger OO DC Steam
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This is the Scenecraft one - based on March GER.  Any good?

Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Thank you very much Barry, I did not find that one in my searches, I compromised with the Hornby Scale? Wooden one here

I did not mention it as I felt  was dragging your thread into my layout  :roll:

Roger OO DC Steam
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No problem Roger.  That MR box is a pretty thing - I have one that got somewhat battered during my recent house move and needs finials/steps/handrails replacing  :cry: :cry:


Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Hi Barry.  Before I got my interest back into model Railways I lived next to the bricklayers arms parcels depot and crane repair works in Bermondsey. Funny I lived there from 1967 until closure, by then it wasn’t too important but one of the signal boxes was “north Kent west junction signals “ and I purchased a  name plate for the box in 00gauge, which turned out to be too long to fit on the box. If I had ordered the plate in N instead? would that have been better?
Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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This picture was posted elsewhere to illustrate the Hornby breakdown crane which is a very old model and very much looking it's age.  I have always thought that one day I would try to improve it and, in the absence of any inclination to spend a lot of pennies on the new Bachmann Ransome's crane, will follow the threads on here with interest.

The loco shown (which was the subject of the original picture) is an old Bachmann J72 which I bought as a branch engine on Yarslow Mk I - the layout shown.

Yarslow Mk I was a short-lived, make-all-the-mistakes type of layout that was scrapped in it's infancy!

The J72 is a NER Class E1 from the late 1890's.  They continued to be built well after nationalisation and one famously carried a hybrid NER/BR livery to serve as station pilot at Newcastle.  Withdrawal was completed in 1964!!

My model engine ran for about 10 years and was only retired when I bought the new J72 offering from Bachmann although the new one is chipped and, in my opinion, whilst a much better looker, does not run so well.  That said, the old engine has done a fair few miles so is very well run-in.

If you can find an old J72 on eBay for a good price, I think they worth the investment for any NE layout.


Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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