Going large - building large layouts


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Hi Ed

Just tried that a few times - same result using the facility you highlighted.

Do you think this might be a browser issue - I use Firefox?

Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Ed is in the usergroup ‘Super-moderators’
No it's not the browser, Firefox is fine.

Might  be something to do with file size, I'll have a look tomorrow.

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Ed is in the usergroup ‘Super-moderators’
Did some testing Barry and re-sizing to 600 x 400 comes up a bit small.

Jay breakage tells me that the new forum scales images to be the size to fit in the post, which works for displaying across desktop and mobile.

So you don't need to put any dimensions in, leave them blank.

default image.jpg


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Hi Ed/Jay

If I leave the size blank, the picture comes out totally huge!!

Not sure if it makes a difference if I resize the picture before posting.  The Sony produces picture at 5000-odd x something pixels.  In theory, this should not make the presentation size any different, but I wonder?

I'll do some mucking about and see what I can do.  In the meantime, thank you for your input here - every day is a school day!


Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Ed is in the usergroup ‘Super-moderators’
Hi Barry

I started to resize all my pictures to 1500 pixels width as the old forum's gallery used to fill up if you posted large pictures.

I just do it automatically now for any pictures I post, as it usually reduces the file size from 3 to 4 Mb to about 800Kb.

I downloaded one of your pictures this morning and re-posted it using 800 x 600, which looks to be more or less the default, and it was ok.

Maybe try 800 x 600?

The other pictures you posted looked ok, which if I read it right you took with the iPhone whereas the first was with the camera. Maybe that's something to do with it  O_o


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I have resized the original image, captured on the camera, to a smaller pixel size.

Testing 1,2,3 - original then new version.

Butterbump detail.JPG

Butterbump detail (640x427).jpg

This is clearly the answer so will do this in future.

Thanks Ed for your help here - much appreciated.

Back to the modelling…………..

Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Well, the good news is that I can still make some video content for the YouTube channel and paint stuff.  The bad news is that I still can't raise my arm to do scenery, cut plastic sheeting to progress the station canopies or do anything that requires a delicate touch - I have lost a lot of control in my right hand.

The Steroid injection has done nothing, so it's on to the non-mainstream remedies.  I will be talking to a new physio tomorrow.  In the meantime, I have searched t'internet for ideas, some of which are wackier than others.  Rhubarb and snail snot soup?  You've got to be kidding  :rofl:

Below - my favourite latest picture of developments at Trinity Square where I have managed to fix down the road overbridge and shops

Std 4MT 76079 (640x480).jpg

Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Ed is in the usergroup ‘Super-moderators’
Good luck with the new physio Barry, let us know how it goes 🤞

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Whistle and speed.jpg Water cranes.jpg
A couple of shots to show that, despite still struggling with my shoulder I am able to make some progress.

Bashing on……

Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Ed is in the usergroup ‘Super-moderators’
Thought that first picture was the real thing


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Thanks Ed, much appreciated!

Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Couldn,t agree more Ed, just wish I could get the same result.

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I too thought that shot was real.

I'm following along Barry and still envious of your space although it does have drawbacks in that the effort required to fill it with a mini world is enormous !

Sorry to hear about your shoulder/arm and I was about to liken it to a problem I had a few years ago - PMR, or 'Polymyalgia Rheumatica'  - a sudden inflammation of muscles which incapacitated me.  I couldn't even change gear in the car.  Then you said the steroids did zilch !  With me, a course of steroids was like quenching a thirst.  An almost immediate improvement and within 2 days, I wouldn't have known anything had been wrong.  Alas it seems no miracle cure for you.

Your wayward arm doesn't seem to have effected your scenic work which looks excellent.

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Thank you Peter & John

What I would give for an instant cure!!  I am having physio until early December, then the doctors will have another go at guessing what is wrong.  So far, I've had (or not) a torn tendon, golf elbow, tendonitis and some long-sounding problem with the muscle that wraps over the top of the shoulder.  It appears that I may have a number of problems all at once  :06confused_2:

In the meantime, light duties are the order of the day - painting and weathering small detail stuff mainly.  Large tracts of the scenery at Yarslow remain unfinished and the MDF laser cut parts for the canopies at Trinity Square are still in their wrapping.

One day……………

Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Well folks, it never rains does it?
I have made a start on the MDF parts for the canopies at Trinity Square and in the interim, have planned a OO9 layout using some bits I bought a little while ago.  At the time, I was building a OO9 layout with a chap who unfortunately died unexpectedly.  The layout was completed in his memory.  That sparked an interest in OO9 I had not had since being a teenager.

Anyway, I've got a bit of 12mm ply 3ft x 4ft which, if cut down, will make a super baseboard for the East Barset Light Railway.
EBLR laid out Dec 1 2023.jpg Its a simple loop with capacity for 4 or 5 trains to tootle round and entertain.

Having drawn this out, I moved the board back to my shed and promptly dropped in on my left foot.  Nothing broken but I now have a foot that looks like a Jackson Pollock artwork.  Thankfully, and for reasons outlined in earlier posts, I have a good supply of painkillers!!!  Note to self - dont lift things with a bad shoulder  :thud:

Oh well, could be worse……..

Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Hi Barry,

Is it too late to integrate the narrow gauge railway into your major layout?


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"Note to self " read notes to self "and don,t drop them eihter "

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"12 mm play, 8 x 4 which, if cut down, will make a super baseboard for the East Barset Light Railway"  - how much cutting down Barry - enough to stop it hurting your foot next time you drop it ?

What ideas do you have for the East Barset and is claus right in suggesting it could be added to its big brother ?

p.s. sorry to hear you're looking like Jackson Pollock but it could be worse - you could look like my underboard wiring system .............


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Petermac said

"12 mm play, 8 x 4 which, if cut down, will make a super baseboard for the East Barset Light Railway"  - how much cutting down Barry - enough to stop it hurting your foot next time you drop it ?

What ideas do you have for the East Barset and is claus right in suggesting it could be added to its big brother ?

p.s. sorry to hear you're looking like Jackson Pollock but it could be worse - you could look like my underboard wiring system .............

The board will be cut down to 44in x 36in so that it fits into the car.  There will be hole in the middle.  If I had done the cutting before dropping it on my foot, maybe it would have hurt less!!

I have got into OO9 lately as mentioned above.  The layout we built was exhibited last month and has got a few other invitations and interested parties.  I thought a small, roundy-roundy layout to take to exhibitions and to entertain would be a good thing.  Joined the OO9 Society as well.  Hopefully, when I am able, it will be a quick build.  The local OO9 group offer exhibition opportunities and we have a few clubs around about.  Hopefully my foot will be well again in a week or so and I can get back to it.   Not sure whether the Doc will allow any more scratch-built buildings though!

Claus - the idea of OO9 as part of Yarslow was ruled out some time ago, mainly as I have already done a lot of the groundwork and don't want  to do things twice - there's enough to do once!  Having been restricted to light duties, I'm adding details and stuff to Yarslow.  Also painting another 200 passengers for the trains.  Sounds a lot but when you add 15-20 per coach, stocks run down very quickly.  For obvious reasons, I buy them 100 at a time from some cheap Chinese eBay source.  Buying ready painted Noch/Bachmann/Preiser is out of the question.

Bashing on, sitting down………….

Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Item has a rating of 5 (Liked by Ed)
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The vafe at Trinity Square.jpg

My laptop was recently "upgraded" to Windows 11 and so I hope that nothing goes clang when I try this post!  The above is the latest development at Yarslow (actually Trinity Square) as light duties continue.  The back of Trinity Square's station building is open - deliberately - to allow the rooms and offices to be modelled.  Here, you realise the tremendous advances that 3D printing has bought - both from the firms now supplying all sorts of stuff, and from "Thingyverse" which is a source of files available for use by those fortunate enough to have a 3D printer.  Luckily, a mate of mine has such a beast and I have recently got him to print some old upright typewriters and 1950's style desk telephones for my offices.  Each are less than 6mm wide but they make a real diffference to the scene.  Those who remember my "Willow pattern cutlery" in the buffet car will appreciate that I have NOT painted the QWERTY keyboard onto the typewriter NOR the numbers on the telephone dials!!!

The rooms will comprise the station cafe (above), the station Manager's office, his secretary's office (with typewriter), the stores office (with shelving units and a desk, and the Board Room with a large table and cupboard unit.  I also have space for a couple of store rooms and a ticket office room although there will not be a counter as the building is really too thin to fit one in.  Each room will have a fireplace and I have recently sourced a set of old radiators (the ones with big fins).

Each interior is modelled as a slide-out unit so that they are easier to work on.  When I get the chance, I will take some more pics and post them.

Elsewhere, the frames for the station canopies at Yarslow are complete and now await a covering, end panels, gutters, valances and signage.

For those who need a proper update, I have been happily making videos for my Yarslow Model Railway YouTube channel - at least it doesn't hurt my arm to wave a camera around!!


Hope everyone is keeping well and I look forward to further catch-ups now that I have a bit more time.


Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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