HST DCC ready lighting


#109360 (In Topic #5742)
Inactive Member

I messed around with mine

Hopefully someone can help me here. Some months ago I messed around with the head/tail light wiring on an HST. I don't suppose anyone can tell me which wires go where can they? Hopefully these 2 pictures 'borrowed' from an RJR post will explain what I'm after a bit better, ideally both the powered car connections AND the unpowered one. There are 3 connections at the lighting end and 6 connections on each PCB. What I'm asking is where do the 3 wires go in each case? I've circled them on these 2 pictures.

First the dummy

Now the powered car

Maybe the best way to describe the wiring in a response would be to number each set of terminals from the top down, 1 - 3 and 1 - 6. Hopefully that makes sense.
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