Hornby Bolster wagon with Kadee couplings


#110007 (In Topic #5765)
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The D&S purchased from the previous owners, a GW Bolster wagon like this one - courtesy KMRC


With the new owners going to knuckle couplings, this is almost finished modifications

Logo to be added & a slight repaint then the stanchions to be added but this is mainly to show how I added the Kadee couplings

The bogie unplugs & the existing tension lock coupling unclipped. Styrene glued into bottom of the chassis ( 3 pieces of bread bag clips) - a slight run of the file over it & I used the new Kadee clip box $252 & whisker coupler #148. If I left the buffers on, then use Coupler #146.. Or you can use the original #38 & small box with the spring or longer version #36.

Turn the bogie around ..

plug it in and …

when the next spell of hot weather arrives to prevent me working in the train room comfortably, then it will get finished off.

It pushes back around 22" radius by another body mounted vehicle without problems.

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Nifty.  :thumbs
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What with Doug eating Corn Flakes and you eating bread Sol, YMR seems to be keeping the cereal industry going single handedly ………….:lol::lol:

Presumably those "bread bag clips" are just ordinary styrene.  I think here, they use wired ties rather than clips (for bread not Kadees !!).

It looks l;ike a nifty conversion.  Is the pocket just glued to the bag clips or does the screw also go up to the wagon ?

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Sol even has me saving those bread clips these days! Yes Peter, they seem like styrene to me. Easy to snap styrene.
 Also if Ron keeps this up, he might even sway me back to British outline. One day.
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[user=6]Petermac[/user] wrote:
It looks like a nifty conversion.  Is the pocket just glued to the bag clips or does the screw also go up to the wagon ?
The styrene is super glued to the wagon & the coupler box screwed to the styrene. I try not to glue boxes in case I need to replace couplers or the old bronze springs.
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