Train Sets 2


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I'll add something to this thread instead of cheating. Illustrated Geoff's and Brians thread and where JD was trying to take you.

Splitting a block and adding a VC.

Double left click the block you want to add more contact indicators to and open the block editor tab. Select add New Contact Indicator and from the drop down list select Virtual Contact

Once you select New Virtual Contact it splits the block and adds the vc.

You can add as many additional CI's to a block until you get bored. Then to each new split block can add B&S markers to suit.

You can then assign the the B&S markers to a particular schedule or train.

To set up the VC just double click on it to set up its properties box.

Hope it helps illustrate other chaps work.


Last edit: by wogga


ECOS2 with RR&Co Traincontroller and a load of other electronics so i can sit back and watch the trains go by.
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Pete, those diagrams are very useful.  They are much bigger and better resolution than anything I have managed to do.
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Thanks for that, Pete.  Brian, if you want a bigger Block window, pull it by the bottom right corner.  You will be able to see everything better and it makes a better screen shot.

Hope I'm not telling you how to suck eggs.  :oops:
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[user=434]John Dew[/user] wrote:
get by with one block, one CI and a VC referenced to the throat block
I'm still thinking of possibilities…   Maybe set up several VCs referenced to the same CI with conditions - point settings or routes? to make each VC work for a particular platorm…. it ought to work.

The other area that seems to be unexplored is using flagmen as CIs in a block.  One possibility would be to trigger the flagman when a real CI switches off . That could perhaps allow for virtual blocks to be set up between real ones and could eliminate the need for the train to go through the real block without stopping, and the virtual block could trigger the VC. The conditions would be tricky.

The elephant in the room in all of this is the layout wiring.  Is anyone, other than me, using a setup with equal voltages in detected and undetected sections?

With the unbalanced system there could be difficulties in setting up contact distances and positioning of stop markers when the time comes to use the same markers for engines and trains of varying lengths.  What are the effects of a delayed switch off to stop flickering? It ought not to be a problem for me so I haven't thought this through - has anyone else?  May be this voltage thing needs a whole new thread.
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Brian my layout isn't big enough to warrant extra DCC boosters, all my track power detected or undetected comes off the single source, the ecos.

I have yet to pass 1 amp!

Last edit: by wogga


ECOS2 with RR&Co Traincontroller and a load of other electronics so i can sit back and watch the trains go by.
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[user=449]brianpr1[/user] wrote:
[user=434]John Dew[/user] wrote:
get by with one block, one CI and a VC referenced to the throat block
I'm still thinking of possibilities…   Maybe set up several VCs referenced to the same CI with conditions - point settings or routes? to make each VC work for a particular platorm…. it ought to work.

That is what I am going to try………I have six platform faces and in all of them I envisage some form of loco exchange or station pilot shunting carriages on and off the main line train……………….I started on the droppers last night……….I am going to insert a reserve set in case it all goes pearshaped and I have to retrofit additional CIs

Fortunately I have at least 2 reference blocks so hopefully I can use point settings as a condition if schedules dont suffice. I hadnt thought about routes but having just checked :oops:……they would work even better…..thank you Brian again:thumbs

The other area that seems to be unexplored is using flagmen as CIs in a block.  One possibility would be to trigger the flagman when a real CI switches off . That could perhaps allow for virtual blocks to be set up between real ones and could eliminate the need for the train to go through the real block without stopping, and the virtual block could trigger the VC. The conditions would be tricky.

You are absolutely correct…….I think flagmen have huge potential……..I am embarrassed to say I only use them on the Turntable and that was a direct crib from the Help File. Juergen obviously contemplated their use as virtual blocks otherwise why put them in the dropdown menu in the Block Editor……………I tried it just now and sure enough you get a virtual block with the flagman symbol in the middle……..obviously that can be used to operate stop markers etc provided you have the correct trigger.

I think the issue to remember is TC relies on deduction rather than detection to determine the identity of specific locos/cars. The referencing of the VC by an identifiable loco in the reference block enables TC to deduce the loco is now in the target block and join it with the other loco………I think I need to do some actual experimenting:roll:

I have started a new thread on voltage


Granby III
Lenz DCC,RR&Co Gold V10 A4 Windows 10
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Looking at that reference you quoted back on RMweb a couple of years ago, John, showing the parking of 4 locos in a single block. That seems to use Flagmen rather than VCs, but I have not studied it in detail to see how it works.
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I think that was a solution to keep track of locos that were manually driven on to a loco spur before control was handed back to a schedule……..but I agree the sams sort of principles should work……..I cant wait to get started!

Sadly my track laying has suffered a setback…. I ordered some more Code 100 track, Insulated joiners and two points that I needed for my  terminus building saga.

The order arrived today Code 75 track, Code 83 joiners and only 1 point….at least that was Code 100. The supplier (Tonys Trains) is normally very good and will pay for all the postage etc (it happened once before…also with track) but it is a pain having to mail it all back and then a further delay before I get the replacement plus Canada Customs elected to charge me HST (VAT equivalent they do it on some bizarre random basis) so I have that to sort out as well………..grrrrrrrrr

Granby III
Lenz DCC,RR&Co Gold V10 A4 Windows 10
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When we had the Traincontroller get together here in the UK last year, a well known poster on RMWeb (Beast or something like that) every second word was flagman. Widnes Vine street used flagmen extensively for their signal operation, they didn't use TC for running trains?

Yes they are something we have not got stuck into at all and judging by their potential  could short cut some conumdrums in the futire.

The only VC i have used to date was to switch on some flange squeal effect as a train rounded a tight curve and slowly transversed a series of points it worked well and was effective.

Three engines stored and operated from the same block easy peasy i thinks, in the same vain i shall run a couple small goods from one of my fiddle yards using my VD (volt drop) contact indicators.

Just as a foot note gang, i will experiment with different locos lengths this weekend, braking and stopping using the VD as the CI. All i can say is the Fairburns stopped within a 3mm range during a one hour shuttle schedule, We will see when we throw a Class 45 oil burner into the mix.


ECOS2 with RR&Co Traincontroller and a load of other electronics so i can sit back and watch the trains go by.
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Looking forward to that.  :thumbs
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Shouldn't you be building the Chook?:mutley


ECOS2 with RR&Co Traincontroller and a load of other electronics so i can sit back and watch the trains go by.
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The Chook House has been occupied as of this afternnon, Pete.  It still needs a coat of paint and different egg boxes, but it's habitable and will do for now.  I have an NMRA meeting here next Saturday, so I will be focusing on that for the next little while - as well as TC.

I should fire up RR&Co, but I'm a bit knackered after today's work.  I just don't bounce back like I used to.  :thud

A hot shower and some idiot box, methinks.
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Max, what size lay-out can you fit into this chook house with you when you are sent out to it :lol:
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It's 2 metres x 4 metres, Geoff; but I haven't got the power on  -  yet.  :chicken
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