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#239152 (In Topic #13240)
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Gluing White Metal to Plastic

Hi All.  I am Bashing my Head against the wall??? I did actually begin a thread, but, got  no takers. So I have started here. I do have a “ kit to assemble straight out of the box “ , it is the glue that I am asking about. The kit is straightforward, but I need to glue white metal to plastic and don’t know what glue to purchase.Please advise. Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Kevin, did you try Google before asking here ?
glue for white meal to plastic    gets  many answers - for starters

Best glue for metal to plastic? | Adventure Rider
What Types of Glue Will Stick Metal to Plastic? | Hunker

NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
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Kevin, I'm a bit of an adhesive nerd, so my 2 pennorth is:-  Dependent on the size and weight of the white metal and the quality of the fit, Evo-Stik (contact/impact adhesive)  It'll stick to a freshly wire brushed w/m component and slightly eat the plastic thereby gaining a good "key" on the surface.
 Otherwise, JB Weld is the best epoxy glue, bar none, but you need to give the plastic a bit of a scratch to get below the surface, or it'll just "pop" off the surface when the glue hardens. Some of the 5 minute epoxies are slightly flexible when set which can help your case.
 But Evo-Stik is the only truly sticky adhesive, especially if you use it carefully as you should , i.e….both surfaces, leave for 5 minutes (more than enough with the new formula), then bang them together exactly where you want them.
Word of warning…only today, I went out to buy a small tube of Evo-Stik as my current one is getting low. I went to B&Q's where I got the current one to be told without a single care of customer sympathy that they no longer stock it.  I went to Wickes to find the same glum response. I went to Screwfix (owned by B&Q, but you never know yer luck), she went to those absolutely useless cartridges of basically thick PVA/plaster mix.  I told her they were cartridges, NOT tubes. I had to resort to the toothpaste simile to get my point across, only to be told I could get it online!  She was completely unaware that such an attitude will ensure her unemployment!  Frankly I hope it does. Serve her right.

 I eventually went to what I thought was purely a locksmiths, but the nearest our woeful town comes to an ironmonger, a name it promisingly bore on its sign. Sure enough, they had a tube, the last in the shop and ridiculously expensive, but I bought it. I came home resigned to never using a shop again except for food, looked up ebay and found a 6 pack for a tenner!  I bought it.

 So the big boys ain't flogging it any more, well the Hell with them. I don't need them. Nobody does.  Just make sure you always have a supply of Evo-Stik. Nothing else comes close to it in usefulness, despite it's less strong new formula. It used to be a snotty colour and consistency. Now it's an amber shade, see through and less…..snotty!

Manifestly it is better to use simple tools expertly than to possess a bewildering assortment of complicated gadgets and either neglect or use them incompetently. ( L.T.C.Rolt)
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Hi Ron. Thank you for your reply. Yes I most certainly did. But I kept getting eBay and Amazon adverts.. I may contact the supplier.  Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Hi Martin. Thank you for your reply. Well I have learned something today, I use screwfix on a regular basis, and I never knew about the B&Q connection. Is there more than one type of Evostik contact adhesive???    Years ago I can remember, plastic disappearing in front of my eyes, after repairing it with glue. And UHU seems to be stringy . I need a masterclass in modern adhesives .  Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Hi Kevin, there's only one kind of Evo-Stik officially, but if you buy the wee tube you get the light amber stuff. If you prefer the good old snotty sort, buy the tin. I glued the carpet in my old Reliant Fox van with that and came away high as a kite for a few hours! I use the tubes as they dispense small amounts. It still strings a bit, but less than the old sort.  Of course they have stuck (boom, boom) their name on the usual bandwagon of goods like the daft cartridge glues and something called mitre glue, but stick to the red colour packaging and you have proper Evo-stik.  Expanded polystyrene will indeed disappear in front of your gaze, but solid plastics if not too thin are fine if you are sparing with the coating.

Good luck,

Manifestly it is better to use simple tools expertly than to possess a bewildering assortment of complicated gadgets and either neglect or use them incompetently. ( L.T.C.Rolt)
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Kevin.If you look  for solvent free uhu  it does not string!

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Hi Reg. Thank you for your reply. I will have to add that to my shopping list.  Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Hi Kevin,

Most modern glues will work. Two-part epoxy,  contact, cyano, silicone sealant, pva. My preference is epoxy (large areas) or 15" CA (details)  gives a bit of wiggle room. The key (literally) is bright metal, no finger grease, keyed metal and plastic (#400 paper). Never expect metal/plastic to take any lateral shear. Most plastics used in modeling are inert and hydrophobic, the bond depends on all those micro ridges made by keying. If you have a large area, or a protrusion, use small pieces of p/b rod drilled in place and secured with epoxy. When building coaches with plastic sides and metal ends or metal side overlays use brass angle inside to give extra surface area.


©Nigel C. Phillips
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UHU is OK (ish) for card, but not very strong and always remains very soft and flexible.  Has it's uses, but they're limited.  Evo-Stik is much better and no longer strings much.  Thixofix, if you can still find it, is good as it allows a wee bit of movement.
Because your rigid and always a little greasy White metal is rigid and your plastic is not, a slightly flexible glue that creates it's own key to plastic (polystyrene anyway) is preferable provided the joint is a good fit of reasonable area.


Last edit: by Mr.Tin

Manifestly it is better to use simple tools expertly than to possess a bewildering assortment of complicated gadgets and either neglect or use them incompetently. ( L.T.C.Rolt)
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Hi Nigel. Thank you very much for your reply. When I purchased the Southern water cranes, I decided two would be better than one? When I opened the first one, the base had a dip where the upright would fit, now that I have opened the second one it is simple? that one has the hole right through. Something positive for the glue to get a hold on.So I can drill the dip right through. But the information that I have received will be really useful and I will “ bank it “ ?
Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Hi Martin. Thank you for your reply. As I have discovered, both the Water Cranes will assemble easier than I thought at first, I have some #400 grit sandpaper, which should be capable of the job in hand. And I know more about glue that I did before, I have never heard of “ thixofix “ until now. Usually anything that is good goes off the market. Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Kevin, Thixofix is a Dunlop product and is gel-like with little stringing, even though it looks and smells like Evo-Stik Impact adhesive.


Manifestly it is better to use simple tools expertly than to possess a bewildering assortment of complicated gadgets and either neglect or use them incompetently. ( L.T.C.Rolt)
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Hi Martin. Thank you again. There are so many glues out there that I have never used before, I had better write them down and of course their usefulness.   Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Good old Thixofix - that was always my contact adhesive of choice, which is probably why it's become nigh on impossible to find it !!!

Thanks for all the useful information Martin - maybe Alan should make this a "sticky" …………………… :pedal

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Gents, I have found this:-
A bit pricey, compared to Evo-Stik, but then you may have a reason to prefer the thixotropic nature of Thixofix and , like me and Evo-Stik, need to squeeze little amounts from a tube.  I was surprised to find Thixofix available in tubes. It never used to be and getting little bits from a quite large tin was never easy.


Manifestly it is better to use simple tools expertly than to possess a bewildering assortment of complicated gadgets and either neglect or use them incompetently. ( L.T.C.Rolt)
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Hi Martin.  Thank you for your reply. But it may be a bit of a coincidence??? In 2017 when “ out of the blue “ I had a letter through Royal Mail, it was a demand for payment of a mobile phone that I knew nothing about.The coincidence was the fact that I recently had returned c/ o eBay a model railway carriage that didn’t match the eBay discription as advertised. And when I returned the item, someone out there knew my details. I don’t buy online anymore.   Now I may miss the bargains? But I can live with that. Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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As you say Martin - a bit pricey and, given the grease-like consistency of the old tinned Thixofix, I too am surprised it comes in tubes …………………..

Maybe the "improved" stuff is thinner than the old product.

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Well, they changed the formula of Evo-Stik without telling us old fans.  So maybe Thixo has undergone changes.

Kevin, you must speak and act as you find of course, but since much these days can only be obtained online I have grown used to mail order, as much for lack of shops as poor stocking and service in what few shops remain.  Being told by a shop girl that I could get Eve-Stik online (!!) I came home and doid just that. I will no more need to buy any from an expensive ironmongers. Sorry Ironmonger, but you need to do better on your buying abilities. My Mum and Dad had a radio and TV shop in a Devon Village (Jam and Jerusalem, BBC, anybody?) and Dad was a real Cockney when it came to negotiating prices from wholesalers, etc.  These savings he passed on to his customers. Consequently we had thousands by the time he died and Mum sold the business. People actually came out to us from Exeter and Okehampton to get better and cheaper. These days shopkeepers won't try hard enough.  I will no more use shops for anything but food and timber. Fortunately we have two local timber purveyors who are both friendly, helpful and cheaper than the twisted muck sold by B&Q and their like.
If the high street becomes a wasteland, so be it. Redevelop it as homes for all the poor devils who have nowhere to live.


Manifestly it is better to use simple tools expertly than to possess a bewildering assortment of complicated gadgets and either neglect or use them incompetently. ( L.T.C.Rolt)
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Hi Martin thank you very much. Everyone tells me how secure eBay is, maybe it was just my luck oras stayed a coincidence, I will never know? But I would rather be safe than sorry. Originally I would always have no fears about purchasing wood from my local timber merchant,  but lately the quality of his stock has gone down hill to say the least,where the prices have shot up.   Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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